Thank you for your interest in the
Timothy O'Connell Foundation.

Timothy O’Connell, in whose honor and loving memory the Foundation
was established in 2008, courageously battled acute myeloid leukemia between May 2007 and his death on September 9, 2008, just two days
after his tenth birthday.  His loving spirit and warm smile will always live
with those who were lucky enough to know him. 

From the very first days of Tim's diagnosis, family, friends, members
of the Holliston, Massachusetts community, and others who were
touched by Tim's strength and courage offered to make donations in
tribute, ultimately resulting in the organization of the Foundation. 
This website has been established to raise awareness of The Timothy O'Connell Foundation and its goals. 

Since its founding, The Timothy O'Connell Foundation has raised over $1,250,000! To date, we have granted over $1,000,000 in gifts to worthy cancer-related causes, and have awarded more than $150,000 in scholarships to students pursuing health-related fields of study.