The Timothy O’Connell Foundation is a
501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, established in 2008
in honor and loving memory of Timothy O'Connell.
With the generous support of Holliston residents and many others, The Foundation has raised more than $1,250,000 to help children and families struggling with pediatric cancer and bereavement. Everyone's support of Timmy Cakes, Tim's Trot, Tim Ties, the Boston Marathon runners for the Foundation and the Orange Appeal adds up and makes a difference in the lives of children with cancer.
We have given many donations to organizations that helped our family - and continue to help families - through treatment and bereavement.
Beneficiaries of The Timothy O'Connell Foundation’s support include:
Make-A-Wish Foundation
The University of Minnesota’s Timothy O’Connell Memorial Fund for the Study of Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
Jimmy Fund programs and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Camp Sunshine
Flashes of Hope
Alex's Lemonade Stand
The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s BEAT AML Campaign
Pan Mass Challenge / Pedals for Pediatrics
Give Kids the World
Children's Hospital Boston
Be the Match (The National Marrow Donor Program)
“Since its founding, The Timothy O’Connell Foundation has raised over $1,250,000! To date, we have granted over $1,000,000 in gifts to worthy cancer-related causes, and have awarded more than $150,000 in scholarships to students pursuing health-related fields of study.”